The Japan Experience: Kyoto – Language, Culture & Exchanges
JAPN 235
Led by Dr. Yukiko Onitsuka

This is a study-abroad intensive course that takes place in Japan. This class is designed to provide students an opportunity to use Japanese language skills they have learned in our classrooms and deepen their understanding of Japanese language and culture through experiential learning. The course has four major learning components: “Japanese Language Learning through Activities and Cultural Experiences,” “Exchanges with Local College Students,” “Language Exhibition,” and “Japan Exploration Project.” This course will consist of three class meetings before the trip focused on preparation, followed by stay in Kyoto, and one presentation or writing assignment after the trip. The course meets requirements for two of the perspectives components: understanding global perspectives, and human diversity and commonality. Counts as a CAS Global & Cultural Diversity course.

Learning Components

1.     Japanese Language Learning through Activities and Cultural Experiences:
While in Japan, students will explore the local neighborhood, and some geographical and historic sites. Cultural activities will be organized: calligraphy activity, origami lessons & Karuta card game matches, maiko/gesha experience, manga assistant experience, Yuzen dyeing, yukata wearing etc.

2.     Exchanges with Local College Students:
Students will join the “Buddies” program at Ritsumeikan University, which pairs Japanese student volunteers with CWRU participant students to improve conversational skills and become better accustomed to life on campus and in Kyoto. This will allow the participants to reinforce their language skills, further develop necessary communication skills, and deepen cultural understanding in both classroom and real-life settings.

3.     Language Exhibition:
During the trip, students will conduct an interview with their buddy student(s) and give a formal presentation to a Japanese audience on a topic of one cultural aspect of Japan in comparison with their own culture.

4.     Japan Exploration Project:
Students will complete individual or group projects during the trip. They will design their own projects by selecting their own topic of interest about Japanese language and culture. Students will choose some sites to visit that are related to their own topic before the trip. They will further explore the sites on their own and/or with their buddy during the trip, noting what they have observed, learned, heard and interviewed.

Sample Itinerary

Prerequisite Requirements: JAPN 201 or consent of the instructor.

Program fee includes: lodging, meals, ground transportation and activities.

Contact: for information.


View the 2024 trip here.