Errant Destinations.
Translated by Jacqueline Nanfito

Familiar Setting.
Translated by Jacqueline Nanfito

No vine a hacerme la inocente (I won’t play innocent).
Damaris Puñales-Alpízar

Desintegración y justicia en el cine argentino contemporáneo. Woodbridge: Tamesis, 2009.
Edited Volumes:

El estado de las cosas: cine latinoamericano en el nuevo milenio. (Eds. Gabriela Copertari and Carolina Sitnisky). Madrid: Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2015.

Great Books by German Women in the Age of Emotion, 1770–1820. Rochester, NY: Camden House of Boydell & Brewer, 2022.

Women of Letters: A Study of Self and Genre in the Personal Writing of Caroline
Schlegel-Schelling, Rahel Levin Varnhagen, and Bettina von Arnim.
Columbia, South Carolina: Camden House, 1998.

La poesía al poder. De Casa de Las Américas a McNally Jackson. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Cuarto Propio, 2018.
Edited Volumes:
Lecturas del equilibrista. Ensayos en torno a Eduardo Chirinos. (Eds. Luis Arturo Guichard and Cristián Gómez Olivares). Madrid: Iberoamericana.
(Forthcoming, accepted for publication).
Una vida nueva detrás de los andamios, by Donna Stonecipher. Santiago: Editorial Descontxt.
(Forthcoming, accepted for publication).

Yo solía decir su nombre, by Carl Phillips. Arica: Editorial Aparte, 2022.

Ciudad modelo, by Donna Stonecipher. Cáceres: Ediciones Liliputienses, 2018.

Feliz Año Nuevo, by Mónica de la Torre. Málaga: Luces de Gálibo, 2017.

Cosmopolita, by Donna Stonecipher. Cáceres: Ediciones Liliputienses, 2014.
Creative Writing:

El libro rojo. 2nd ed. Arica: Ediciones Aparte, 2023; 1st ed. D.F., México: Mantra Edixiones, 2019.

La pérdida de las colonias de ultramar. Boston: Axiara Editions, 2020.

El hombre de acero. Cáceres: Ediciones Liliputienses, 2020.

Derechos del yo. Bahía Blanca: Hemisferio Derecho Ediciones, 2019.

Butterfly. Bahía Blanca: Colectivo
Semilla, 2017.

La nieve es nuestra. 3rd ed. Matanzas: Ediciones Matanzas, 2016; 2nd ed. Málaga: Editorial Luces de Gálibo, 2015; 1st ed. Cáceres: Ediciones Liliputienses, 2012.

Renga. 2nd ed. Sao Paulo: Lumme editor, 2016; 1st ed. Cáceres, 2015.

La casa de Trotsky. Sevilla: Siltolá, 2011.

Homenaje a Chester Kallman. Málaga: Editorial Luces de Gálibo, 2010.

Alfabeto para nadie. Santiago: Editorial Fuga, 2008.

Como un ciego en una habitación a oscuras. México D.F: CONACULTA, 2005.

Pie quebrado. Salamanca: Amarú Ediciones, 2004.

Inessa Armand. Santiago: Editorial La Calabaza del Diablo, 2003.

Al final de lo lejos. Santiago: LOM ediciones, 1996.
Corazón de crónicas. Santiago: Ediciones Caminos, 1993.

Hokubei de yomitoku kindai nihonbungaku (Modern Japanese Literature Read in North America:
A Comparative Approach). Tokyo: Keibunsha, 2008.

Kindai nihonbungaku no tokushitsu: shikyu no datsu keijijogaku o megutte (Characteristics of Modern Japanese Literature: Centering on the “Deconstructive” Metaphysics of the Womb). Maebashi: Kankodo, 2000.

Miyazawa Kenji: inosensu no bungaku (Kenji Miyazawa: Literature of Innocence). Tokyo: Meijishoin, 1988.
The Theme of Innocence in Miyazawa Kenji’s Tales. University of British Columbia, 1986.
Edited Volumes:

Nihon no haha: hokai to saisei (The Japanese Mother:
Her Death and Rebirth). (Eds. Takao Hagiwara
and Sukehiro Hirakawa). Tokyo: Shinyosha, 1997.
Creative Writing:

Hallel (Praise). Haifa: Pardes Publishing House, 2021.

Tikrat Ha’Adama (Earth Ceiling). Tel-Aviv: Keshev Publishing House, 2010.

Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach als Sozialreformerin. Konigstein/Ts: Ulrike Helmer Verlag, 2002.

The Object of Jewish Literature: A Material History. Connecticut: Yale University Press, 2022.

Space and Place in Jewish Studies. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2012.

A Place in History: Modernism, Tel Aviv and the Creation of Jewish Urban Space. California: Stanford University Press, 2006.

El sueño: Cartographies of Knowledge and the Self. New York: Peter Lang, 2000.

Destinos Errantes/Errant Destinations (by Andrea Jeftanovic).
NY: Lexington Books: Jewish Women in the Americas, 2024.

Ambiente Familiar/Familiar Setting (by Maivo Suárez).
NY/London: Austin Macauley Press, 2023.

Hasta ya no ir/’til She Go No More. (Novel by Beatriz
Garcia-Huidobro). Buffalo: White Pine Press, 2022.

Mujer Pelo Pez/Fish Hair Woman (by Merlinda Bobis).
(Co-translator with Enrique Luengo and Dolores Herrero).
Santiago, Chile: J C Sáez Editorial, 2017.

Anne: An Imagining of the life of Anne Frank. (Prose poems by Marjorie Agosín). London: Solis Press, 2017.

The White Islands/Las islas blancas. (Poetry by Marjorie Agosín). U Chicago: Swan Isle Press, April 2016.

Basta! 100 Mujeres contra la violencia del género/Enough! 100+ Women Against Gender Violence.
(Co-translator with Martha Manier).
Santiago, Chile: Editorial Asterion, 2015.

Marks Beneath the Skin/Signos bajo la piel. (Short stories by Pia Barros). Santiago, Chile: Editorial Asterion, Nov. 2009.

Gabriela Mistral: On Women. (Recados by Gabriela Mistral). Buffalo, NY: White Pine Press, 2001.
Códigos rojos: geopolíticas de la traducción durante la Guerra Fría. Cuba y el bloque del Este. (Red Codes: Geopolitics of Translation during the Cold War. Cuba and the Eastern Bloc). The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM.) (Forthcoming, accepted for publication).

La maldita circunstancia. Ensayos sobre literatura cubana. (The Damn Circumstance. Scholarly Writings on Cuban Literature). Leiden: Almenara Press, 2020.

Escrito en cirílico. El ideal soviético en la cultura cubana posnoventa. (Written in Cyrillic. The Soviet Ideal in post-1990 Cuban Cultural Production). Santiago de Chile: Cuarto Propio, 2012.
Edited Volumes:

Asedios al caimán letrado: literatura y poder en la Revolución cubana. (Sieges to the Lettered Cayman: Literature and Power in the Cuban Revolution). (Eds. and Introduction: Damaris Puñales-Alpízar, Emilio J. Gallardo Saborido, Jesús Gómez de Tejada). Prague: Karolinum Press, Charles University, 2018.

El Atlántico como frontera. Mediaciones culturales entre Cuba y España (Editor and Introduction) (The Atlantic as Frontier: Cultural Mediations between Cuba and Spain). Madrid: Verbum, 2014.
Creative Writing:

No vine a hacerme la inocente
(I won’t play innocent).
Cáceres: Liliputienses, 2023.

Trauma and Guilt: Literature of Wartime Bombing in Germany. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2003.
Re-issued as E-book, de Gruyter, 2009.
Edited Volumes:

Generational Shifts in Contemporary German Culture.
(Eds. Susanne Vees-Gulani and Laurel
Cohen-Pfister). Rochester, New York:
Camden House, 2010.

Rolling Back the Tide of Climate Change: Renewable Solutions and Policy Instruments in the USA and China. Glastonbury: Green Economics Publishing House, 2015.

Play is Play. Theatrical Illusion in Chinese Wall by Max Frisch and Other ‘Epic’ Playsby Brecht, Wilder, Hazelton and Li. Lanham, Maryland: UP America (Rowman & Littlefield), 2000.

Theater ist Theater: Ein Vergleich der Kreidekreisstücke Bertolt Brechts und Li Xingdaos. Studies in Modern German Literature 91.
New York: Lang, 1998.

Deutschlernen durch moderne Schauspiele. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2018.

Modern German Plays: An Advanced German Textbook. New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien: Lang, 2015.
Edited Volumes:

Cases on Green Energy and Sustainable Development. Practice, Progress, and Proficiency in Sustainability (PPPS) Book Series. Hershey: IGI-Global Publishing, 2019.

Renewables are Getting Cheaper. Glastonbury: Green Economics Publishing House, 2016.
Guide to Outward-Oriented Economies. Beijing: China Metropolitan Economy Press, 1988.
Edited Volumes:

Literature Reader. (Eds. Wei Huang, Qiaoyun Yang, and
Xin Zhang). Jinan: Shandong Map Press, 2003.

Contemporary Business Writing. (Eds. Xiaoxia Chen, Jing Zhang, and Xin Zhang). Qingdao: Qingdao, Publishing Group, 1998.