Tiziana Mattioli is a researcher and professor of Italian literature and Dante criticism with the University of Urbino Carlo Bo, in the Marches region of Italy. Her focus has been 16th and 17th century Italian literature (epic literature, theater, poetry, and the novel) and the 20th century (with particular focus on artist/writers, writers in dialects, writers for the theater).
She has organized conferences on specific authors, and she has published on the poet Giovanni Pascoli and the writer Anna Bonacci. She is an editorial consultant for Raffaelli publishing, and a member of the Pascoli Society and the Raphael Society.
Inferno: Canto 5
DMLL “Literature Against the Pandemic” reading begins at verse 70.
2021 marks 700 years since the death of Dante Alighieri in Ravenna, Italy.
In 1867, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow completed the first American translation of Inferno and thus introduced Dante’s literary genius to the New World. In the Inferno, the spirit of the classical poet Virgil leads Dante through the nine circles of Hell on the initial stage of his journey toward Heaven. Along the way, Dante encounters and describes in vivid detail the various types of sinners in the throes of their eternal torment.
Canto 5 describes his encounter with Paolo and Francesca, two condemned lovers. The second half of Canto 5, where we begin our reading today, is devoted to Francesca.
For more in-depth notes and interpretations, a visit to the online Dante Lab at Dartmouth is encouraged.
1) Così discesi del cerchio primaio
2) giù nel secondo, che men loco cinghia
3) e tanto più dolor, che punge a guaio.
4) Stavvi Minòs orribilmente, e ringhia:
5) essamina le colpe ne l’intrata;
6) giudica e manda secondo ch’avvinghia.
7) Dico che quando l’anima mal nata
8) li vien dinanzi, tutta si confessa;
9) e quel conoscitor de le peccata
10) vede qual loco d’inferno è da essa;
11) cignesi con la coda tante volte
12) quantunque gradi vuol che giù sia messa.
13) Sempre dinanzi a lui ne stanno molte:
14) vanno a vicenda ciascuna al giudizio,
15) dicono e odono e poi son giù volte.
16) “O tu che vieni al doloroso ospizio,”
17) disse Minòs a me quando mi vide,
18) lasciando l’atto di cotanto offizio
19) “guarda com’ entri e di cui tu ti fide;
20) non t’inganni l’ampiezza de l’intrare!”
21) E ‘l duca mio a lui: “Perché pur gride?
22) Non impedir lo suo fatale andare:
23) vuolsi così colà dove si puote
24) ciò che si vuole, e più non dimandare.”
25) Or incomincian le dolenti note
26) a farmisi sentire; or son venuto
27) là dove molto pianto mi percuote.
28) Io venni in loco d’ogne luce muto,
29) che mugghia come fa mar per tempesta,
30) se da contrari venti è combattuto.
31) La bufera infernal, che mai non resta,
32) mena li spirti con la sua rapina;
33) voltando e percotendo li molesta.
34) Quando giungon davanti a la ruina,
35) quivi le strida, il compianto, il lamento;
36) bestemmian quivi la virtù divina.
37) Intesi ch’a così fatto tormento
38) enno dannati i peccator carnali,
39) che la ragion sommettono al talento.
40) E come li stornei ne portan l’ali
41) nel freddo tempo, a schiera larga e piena,
42) così quel fiato li spiriti mali
43) di qua, di là, di giù, di sù li mena;
44) nulla speranza li conforta mai,
45) non che di posa, ma di minor pena.
46) E come i gru van cantando lor lai,
47) faccendo in aere di sé lunga riga,
48) così vid’ io venir, traendo guai,
49) ombre portate da la detta briga;
50) per ch’i’ dissi: “Maestro, chi son quelle
51) genti che l’aura nera sì gastiga?”
52) “La prima di color di cui novelle
53) tu vuo’ saper,” mi disse quelli allotta,
54) “fu imperadrice di molte favelle.
55) A vizio di lussuria fu sì rotta,
56) che libito fé licito in sua legge,
57) per tòrre il biasmo in che era condotta.
58) Ell’ è Semiramìs, di cui si legge
59) che succedette a Nino e fu sua sposa:
60) tenne la terra che ‘l Soldan corregge.
61) L’altra è colei che s’ancise amorosa,
62) e ruppe fede al cener di Sicheo;
63) poi è Cleopatràs lussurïosa.
64) Elena vedi, per cui tanto reo
65) tempo si volse, e vedi ‘l grande Achille,
66) che con amore al fine combatteo.
67) Vedi Parìs, Tristano”; e più di mille
68) ombre mostrommi e nominommi a dito,
69) ch’amor di nostra vita dipartille.
70) Poscia ch’io ebbi ‘l mio dottore udito
71) nomar le donne antiche e ‘ cavalieri,
72) pietà mi giunse, e fui quasi smarrito.
73) I’ cominciai: “Poeta, volontieri
74) parlerei a que’ due che ‘nsieme vanno,
75) e paion sì al vento esser leggieri.”
76) Ed elli a me: “Vedrai quando saranno
77) più presso a noi; e tu allor li priega
78) per quello amor che i mena, ed ei verranno.”
79) Sì tosto come il vento a noi li piega,
80) mossi la voce: “O anime affannate,
81) venite a noi parlar, s’altri nol niega!”
82) Quali colombe dal disio chiamate
83) con l’ali alzate e ferme al dolce nido
84) vegnon per l’aere, dal voler portate;
85) cotali uscir de la schiera ov’ è Dido,
86) a noi venendo per l’aere maligno,
87) sì forte fu l’affettüoso grido.
88) “O animal grazïoso e benigno
89) che visitando vai per l’aere perso
90) noi che tignemmo il mondo di sanguigno,
91) se fosse amico il re de l’universo,
92) noi pregheremmo lui de la tua pace,
93) poi c’hai pietà del nostro mal perverso.
94) Di quel che udire e che parlar vi piace,
95) noi udiremo e parleremo a voi,
96) mentre che ‘l vento, come fa, ci tace.
97) Siede la terra dove nata fui
98) su la marina dove ‘l Po discende
99) per aver pace co’ seguaci sui.
100) Amor, ch’al cor gentil ratto s’apprende,
101) prese costui de la bella persona
102) che mi fu tolta; e ‘l modo ancor m’offende.
103) Amor, ch’a nullo amato amar perdona,
104) mi prese del costui piacer sì forte,
105) che, come vedi, ancor non m’abbandona.
106) Amor condusse noi ad una morte.
107) Caina attende chi a vita ci spense.”
108) Queste parole da lor ci fuor porte.
109) Quand’ io intesi quell’ anime offense,
110) china’ il viso, e tanto il tenni basso,
111) fin che ‘l poeta mi disse: “Che pense?”
112) Quando rispuosi, cominciai: “Oh lasso,
113) quanti dolci pensier, quanto disio
114) menò costoro al doloroso passo!”
115) Poi mi rivolsi a loro e parla’ io,
116) e cominciai: “Francesca, i tuoi martìri
117) a lagrimar mi fanno tristo e pio.
118) Ma dimmi: al tempo d’i dolci sospiri,
119) a che e come concedette amore
120) che conosceste i dubbiosi disiri?”
121) E quella a me: “Nessun maggior dolore
122) che ricordarsi del tempo felice
123) ne la miseria; e ciò sa ‘l tuo dottore.
124) Ma s’a conoscer la prima radice
125) del nostro amor tu hai cotanto affetto,
126) dirò come colui che piange e dice
127) Noi leggiavamo un giorno per diletto
128) di Lancialotto come amor lo strinse;
129) soli eravamo e sanza alcun sospetto.
130) Per più fïate li occhi ci sospinse
131) quella lettura, e scolorocci il viso;
132) ma solo un punto fu quel che ci vinse.
133) Quando leggemmo il disïato riso
134) esser basciato da cotanto amante,
135) questi, che mai da me non fia diviso,
136) la bocca mi basciò tutto tremante.
137) Galeotto fu ‘l libro e chi lo scrisse:
138) quel giorno più non vi leggemmo avante.”
139) Mentre che l’uno spirto questo disse,
140) l’altro piangëa; sì che di pietade
141) io venni men così com’ io morisse.
142) E caddi come corpo morto cade.
1) Thus I descended out of the first circle
2) Down to the second, that less space begirds,
3) And so much greater dole, that goads to wailing.
4) There standeth Minos horribly, and snarls;
5) Examines the transgressions at the entrance;
6) Judges, and sends according as he girds him.
7) I say, that when the spirit evil-born
8) Cometh before him, wholly it confesses;
9) And this discriminator of transgressions
10) Seeth what place in Hell is meet for it;
11) Girds himself with his tail as many times
12) As grades he wishes it should be thrust down.
13) Always before him many of them stand;
14) They go by turns each one unto the judgment;
15) They speak, and hear, and then are downward hurled.
16) “O thou, that to this dolorous hostelry
17) Comest,” said Minos to me, when he saw me,
18) Leaving the practice of so great an office,
19) “Look how thou enterest, and in whom thou trustest;
20) Let not the portal’s amplitude deceive thee.”
21) And unto him my Guide: “Why criest thou too?
22) Do not impede his journey fate-ordained;
23) It is so willed there where is power to do
24) That which is willed; and ask no further question.”
25) And now begin the dolesome notes to grow
26) Audible unto me; now am I come
27) There where much lamentation strikes upon me.
28) I came into a place mute of all light,
29) Which bellows as the sea does in a tempest,
30) If by opposing winds ‘t is combated.
31) The infernal hurricane that never rests
32) Hurtles the spirits onward in its rapine;
33) Whirling them round, and smiting, it molests them.
34) When they arrive before the precipice,
35) There are the shrieks, the plaints, and the laments,
36) There they blaspheme the puissance divine.
37) I understood that unto such a torment
38) The carnal malefactors were condemned,
39) Who reason subjugate to appetite.
40) And as the wings of starlings bear them on
41) In the cold season in large band and full,
42) So doth that blast the spirits maledict;
43) It hither, thither, downward, upward, drives them;
44) No hope doth comfort them for evermore,
45) Not of repose, but even of lesser pain.
46) And as the cranes go chanting forth their lays,
47) Making in air a long line of themselves,
48) So saw I coming, uttering lamentations,
49) Shadows borne onward by the aforesaid stress.
50) Whereupon said I: “Master, who are those
51) People, whom the black air so castigates?”
52) “The first of those, of whom intelligence
53) Thou fain wouldst have,” then said he unto me,
54) “The empress was of many languages.
55) To sensual vices she was so abandoned,
56) That lustful she made licit in her law,
57) To remove the blame to which she had been led.
58) She is Semiramis, of whom we read
59) That she succeeded Ninus, and was his spouse;
60) She held the land which now the Sultan rules.
61) The next is she who killed herself for love,
62) And broke faith with the ashes of Sichaeus;
63) Then Cleopatra the voluptuous.”
64) Helen I saw, for whom so many ruthless
65) Seasons revolved; and saw the great Achilles,
66) Who at the last hour combated with
67) Love.Paris I saw, Tristan; and more than a thousand
68) Shades did he name and point out with his finger,
69) Whom Love had separated from our life.
70) After that I had listened to my Teacher,
71) Naming the dames of eld and cavaliers,
72) Pity prevailed, and I was nigh bewildered.
73) And I began: “O Poet, willingly
74) Speak would I to those two, who go together,
75) And seem upon the wind to be so light.”
76) And, he to me: “Thou’lt mark, when they shall be
77) Nearer to us; and then do thou implore them
78) By love which leadeth them, and they will come.”
79) Soon as the wind in our direction sways them,
80) My voice uplift I: “O ye weary souls!
81) Come speak to us, if no one interdicts it.”
82) As turtle-doves, called onward by desire,
83) With open and steady wings to the sweet nest
84) Fly through the air by their volition borne,
85) So came they from the band where Dido is,
86) Approaching us athwart the air malign,
87) So strong was the affectionate appeal.
88) “O living creature gracious and benignant,
89) Who visiting goest through the purple air
90) Us, who have stained the world incarnadine,
91) If were the King of the Universe our friend,
92) We would pray unto him to give thee peace,
93) Since thou hast pity on our woe perverse.
94) Of what it pleases thee to hear and speak,
95) That will we hear, and we will speak to you,
96) While silent is the wind, as it is now.
97) Sitteth the city, wherein I was born,
98) Upon the sea-shore where the Po descends
99) To rest in peace with all his retinue.
100) Love, that on gentle heart doth swiftly seize,
101) Seized this man for the person beautiful
102) That was ta’en from me, and still the mode offends me.
103) Love, that exempts no one beloved from loving,
104) Seized me with pleasure of this man so strongly,
105) That, as thou seest, it doth not yet desert me;
106) Love has conducted us unto one death;
107) Caina waiteth him who quenched our life!”
108) These words were borne along from them to us.
109) As soon as I had heard those souls tormented,
110) I bowed my face, and so long held it down
111) Until the Poet said to me: “What thinkest?”
112) When I made answer, I began: “Alas!
113) How many pleasant thoughts, how much desire,
114) Conducted these unto the dolorous pass!”
115) Then unto them I turned me, and I spake,
116) And I began: “Thine agonies, Francesca,
117) Sad and compassionate to weeping make me.
118) But tell me, at the time of those sweet sighs,
119) By what and in what manner Love conceded,
120) That you should know your dubious desires?”
121) And she to me: “There is no greater sorrow
122) Than to be mindful of the happy time
123) In misery, and that thy Teacher knows.
124) But, if to recognise the earliest root
125) Of love in us thou hast so great desire,
126) I will do even as he who weeps and speaks.
127) One day we reading were for our delight
128) Of Launcelot, how Love did him enthral.
129) Alone we were and without any fear.
130)Full many a time our eyes together drew
131) That reading, and drove the colour from our faces;
132) But one point only was it that o’ercame us.
133) When as we read of the much-longed-for smile
134) Being by such a noble lover kissed,
135) This one, who ne’er from me shall be divided,
136) Kissed me upon the mouth all palpitating.
137) Galeotto was the book and he who wrote it.
138) That day no farther did we read therein.”
139) And all the while one spirit uttered this,
140) The other one did weep so, that, for pity,
141) I swooned away as if I had been dying,
142) And fell, even as a dead body falls.