Language and Culture in Spain
SPAN 308
Led by Dr. Damaris Puñales-Alpízar

Three-week study-abroad intensive course that takes place primarily in Zamora, Spain, with a side trip to northern Portugal. This class will allow students to get in contact with Spanish language and culture first hand. Students will meet during the spring semester to coordinate travel.

The course combines the unique advantages of a total immersion environment in Spanish with a classroom curriculum that includes grammar review, conversation practice, and study of relevant cultural issues. The focus of the culture curriculum is the study of Spain’s key historical moments through some of the main cities and nearby communities: their literature, visual arts, films, and music.

While in Spain, students will visit museums, and historic landmarks, and will visit the University of Salamanca (one of the oldest and most prestigious in Europe), will attend talks by Spanish intellectuals, participate in cultural activities, and take short trips to Portugal and around Spain.

Students will arrive and depart out of Madrid. There will be additional time in Madrid at the end of the course after instruction has ended.

Counts as a CAS Global & Cultural Diversity course.

Prerequisite Requirements: SPAN 202 or equivalent.

Contact: for information.
