Welcome to the German program at Case Western Reserve University!

WILLKOMMEN! German majors and minors acquire both language skills and deep cultural knowledge of the German-speaking world. Our faculty offer wide-ranging courses with creative and original topics from climate change to monsters in literature or the way the Second World War is remembered – all while also teaching you how to understand, speak, read, and write in German. The European Union also has more native speakers of German than any other single language, and the German economy is the fourth largest in the world! In addition to language proficiency, German courses develop analytical and critical thinking skills and provide international competency for future careers. German innovation, art, architecture, literature, and music have been shaping the globe past and present. We encourage majors and minors to spend time studying abroad and provide on-campus opportunities for all of our students to immerse themselves fully in German language and German-speaking cultural study.

Department faculty work closely with other departments throughout the university as well as with the cultural institutions of University Circle. The German section has strong ties with interdisciplinary programs in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Conversation Club

2025 International Tea

Mark your calendars for our 2025 International Tea.  Please join us March 19.

German Conversation Club

On October 28, 2023, the German Club (Deutsche Gesellschaft) had their Immersion Day at the Squire Valleevue Farm.

German Exchange Students

In October 2023, for the second year in a row, Professor Daley hosted 17 students from Goslar, Germany, who are on an exchange program with a local high school in Shaker Heights.