Welcome to the Hebrew program at Case Western Reserve University!

עברית@ Case

The Hebrew language has been a vital instrument of human expression for thousands of years, from ancient biblical texts to novels and the internet.  Hebrew at Case Western Reserve University offers elementary, intermediate, and advanced language courses, with an emphasis on modern forms of communication and culture.  Small class settings allow students to improve their skills and encounter a variety of texts, including Israeli poetry, music, film and other media.  Advanced courses taught in Hebrew and in English translation illuminate Hebrew literature in relation to World Literature and other global trends.

Funding is available to help support Hebrew language study at CWRU and abroad, for both academic year courses and summer programs.

Come and learn how to create letter press prints in Hebrew at the new Gutenberg Annex.

2025 International Tea

Mark your calendars for our 2025 International Tea.  Please join us March 19.

Lecture with Allison Schachter

“Lorraine Hansberry, the Holocaust, and Race in Postwar American Intellectual Life.”

Spring Hebrew Table

Hebrew Table is back!

Fall Hebrew Table

Please join us for our monthly Hebrew Table this fall.

NGA Hebrew Fellow Opportunity

Application Deadline: September 15, 2024.

Multicultural Spain – Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Coexistence

Offered as: SPAN 301/ARAB 303/ETHS 303/HBRW 303/RLGN 303.
Applications due September 6, 2024, in the Office of Education Abroad.

Fall 2024 Hebrew Courses

Registration is open for Hebrew courses this Fall!