Welcome to the Italian program at Case Western Reserve University!
BENVENUTO! The Italian program offers a variety of courses to fulfill requirements leading to the Minor in Italian at CWRU, ranging from three levels of Italian language courses to an array of Special Topics courses. Besides these core courses, we encourage the student to study abroad in Italy. Taking advantage of the varied resources of the university and University Circle institutions and highlights, the Italian Program makes the study of Italian language and culture an enriching part of the student’s undergraduate education. Furthermore, the Italian Program provides an excellent foundation for graduate or professional school or for careers in international business and finance, careers involving technological or medical exchange, and careers in law and government, journalism, foreign service, art, and music.
2025 International Tea
Mark your calendars for our 2025 International Tea. Please join us March 19.
Intersecting Slow Matters, Collaborations, and Creativity
Panel discussion with Jacqueline Nanfito, Denise Caterinacci, and Italian filmmaker Renzo Carbonera.
“Focaccia Blues” Film Screening
Italian film screening Thursday, October 17- FREE & open to all.
SLOW MATTERS: Intersecting Food and Fields
Students in ITAL 370 and SPAN 370 attend the world summit of Slow Food, TERRA MADRE in Turin, Italy.
Slow Food and Tropical OHIO!
Students in ITAL 370 and SPAN 370 acknowledge National Pawpaw Fruit Day.
Gelato on the Porch with La Dolce Vita
On May 1, 2024, our campus student organization for Italian culture and language, La Dolce Vita, hosted Gelato on the Porch of Guilford House.
World Disco Soup Day 2024
On April 27, 2024, the upcoming fall semester special topics courses in Spanish and Italian, Slow Food in Latin America and the Slow Food Movement, took part in World Disco Soup Day 2024.
Following a pause in the program due to restrictions, CWRU sophomore and student in DMLL’s program in Italian, Jackeline Soriano, has been selected as a participant in the VoluntarITALY program.
Return of Italian Carnevale
CARNEVALE@CWRU, enjoyed since the year 2000, made a fond return Friday, February 9, 2024, after pausing in recent years due to restrictions.
A Talk with Sarah Lohman
On November 30, 2023, CWRU students, faculty, and visitors enjoyed a talk given by author and food historian Sarah Lohman at Guilford House.
PLUTO Screening and Q&A with Renzo Carbonera
On October 19, 2023, a film screening of the film PLUTO by award-winning Italian filmmaker Renzo Carbonera was held in Strosacker Auditorium, free and open to the public.