JAPN 101 Elementary Japanese I
Introduction to understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Japanese. Students learn to read and write hiragana and katakana syllabaries and 50 kanji characters. Students are expected to achieve control of the sound system and basic structure of the language. Emphasizes aural comprehension and speaking.
4 Week Session (1)
June 3 – July 1
M,T,W,R 9:00 AM – 11:20 AM
+ Lab (Online)
Instructor: Yukie Miura
JAPN 102 Elementary Japanese II
Continuation of JAPN 101. Emphasizes aural comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. Students learn approximately 100 new kanji characters. Recommended preparation: JAPN 101.
4 Week Session (2)
July 11 – August 7
M,T,W,R 9:00 AM – 11:20AM
+ Lab (Online)
Instructor: Kosuke Ogaki

JAPN 306 Readings in Manga
This course aims to enhance students’ reading skills in Japanese as well as in the other three main areas of language learning (speaking, listening, and writing) through the use of the extensive reading (a.k.a. Graded reading) method with manga in Japanese. In this course, the emphasis is put on acquiring the skill needed to enjoy reading content without translation. Students will review and learn Japanese structures and expressions as well as have the opportunity to explore colloquialisms, speech styles, onomatopoeia, contractions, interjections, and other elements of speech. The class also will incorporate individual reading activities such as oral reading sessions, timed reading, speed reading, and book discussion groups. We will also explore how Japanese scripts such Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji, as well as Roman alphabets, are integrated in manga. Our primary textbooks will be manga in Japanese; however, some additional readings in English will be given to students as a point of reference for the course lectures. The classes will primarily be conducted in Japanese. Counts for CAS Global & Cultural Diversity Requirement. Prereq: JAPN 202 with a C or higher.
4 Week Session (2)
July 11 – August 7
M,T,W,R 9:00 AM – 11:20 AM (Online)
Instructor: Yukiko Nishida