
We want to congratulate our faculty who recently have presented or published their scholarly production. Keep the good work!!

Marie Lathers:
On Oct. 27 she presented on “Pandemic Literature” as part of the University of Missouri of Science and Technology’s Extension and Engagement Week. During the current academic year, Marie Lathers is the Maxwell C. Weiner Distinguished Visiting Professor of Humanities at Missouri S&T.

Cristian Gomez-Olivares:
On Oct. 19 he offered a poetry reading and a talk to Pedagogy students of Instituto Superior at Río Colorado, Argentina. On Sept. 16, Gomez-Olivares presented Rocío Cerón’s latest book Observante, published by Hemisferio Derecho Ediciones, in Bahía Blanca, Argentina.

Beth Carter:
On Oct. 17 presented her paper, “Weeping and wailing: female homosocial mourning in The Tale of Genji” by invitation at the Women X Women Workshop at Dartmouth.

Gilbert Doho:
co-edited the special issue of Journal of the African Literature Association 14.2 and published the article “From literary concept to self-proclaimed state: three generations of Anglophone-Cameroonians at war