Jorge J. Locane was born in Argentina, where he studied literature at the University of Buenos Aires. In 2008 he moved to Berlin, where he obtained a master’s degree in interdisciplinary Latin American studies and his Ph.D. with the dissertation Miradas locales en tiempos globales. Intervenciones literarias sobre la ciudad latinoamericana. His thesis was awarded the German prize ADLAF and published by Iberoamericana/Vervuert. From 2015 to 2018 he was a postdoctoral researcher in the ERC project Reading Global. Constructions of World Literature and Latin America hosted by the University of Cologne. One result of this project is his second monograph De la literatura latinoamericana a la literatura (latinoamericana) mundial. Condiciones materiales, procesos y actores (2019), which critically approaches the concept of world literature from a materialistic perspective. Between 2019 and 2020, Jorge J. Locane was part of GlobaLS – Global Literary Studies Research Group at the Open University of Catalonia. Since May 2020, he is an Associate Professor of Literature and Culture in the Spanish-speaking World at the University of Oslo. He co-edited several collective volumes, including Re-Mapping World Literature (2018) and Experiencias límite en la ficción latinoamericana (2019).