Bojana Kovačević Petrović (Serbia) is the Head of Ibero-American Center of Faculty of Philosophy University of Novi Sad, Serbia, where she is also a Professor of Latin American literature and Hispanic cultures at the Department of Italian and Ibero-American Studies. She obtained her master and doctorate degrees at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade.
She has published dozens of scientific and professional articles on the literary work of Carlos Fuentes, Mario Vargas Llosa, Roberto Bolaño, Octavio Paz, Gabriela Mistral, Federico García Lorca, Fernando Arrabal, Zoe Valdés, Guillermo Martínez, Santiago Roncagliolo, among many others. She has offered lectures and talks in Mexico, Spain, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Serbia. She is the author of the monograph Carlos Fuentes in search of identity (2019).
He has given courses and lectures at the Universidad Veracruzana, at the UNAM, at the University of Guadalajara (Mexico), at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia), at the Complutense University and the Autonomous University of Madrid, among others.
She has translated more than thirty books by Hispanic authors (novels, short stories, essays, short stories, poetry collections and plays) and edited several anthologies of Spanish and Latin American poetry and narrative prose. She works also with literary, court, simultaneous and consecutive translation.
She is a member of the Society of Hispanics of Central Europe, the Institute for Intercultural and Comparative Research IDEAZ from Vienna, the Society of Hispanics of Serbia, the Association of Spanish Teachers of Serbia (APES) and the Association of Literary Translators of Serbia. She is the initiator and co-coordinator of the Special Group “CIBAM-CLACSO Latin America and the Balkans: Cultural and Social Links”, with Andrea Jeftanovic and Emilio Gallardo-Saborido.