The faculty of the Russian Studies program at CWRU condemns the war unleashed by Putin against the sovereign state of Ukraine.
We stand with all the people of Ukraine and Russia who oppose this assault and wish peace for the region.
Welcome to the Russian program at Case Western Reserve University!
ДОБРО ПОЖАЛОВАТЬ! The Russian Program offers a variety of courses to fulfill the requirements for the Russian minor. The core courses include beginning and intermediate Russian. The 300-level courses are taught both in Russian and English, they satisfy the Global and Cultural Diversity requirement. These courses concern Russian history, literature, music, and art. The Russian Program is an excellent asset for applying for graduate or professional school or for careers in international business and finance, technological or medical exchange, and law, journalism and foreign service.
2025 International Tea
Mark your calendars for our 2025 International Tea. Please join us March 19.
The National Slavic Honor Society
On April 26, 2024, nine Russian students were inducted into the Slavic Honor Society Dobro Slovo.
RUSN: 370 Students
On March 29, 2024, students enrolled in RUSN 370: Special Topics – Russian Through Art course attended a play based on the novel The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov at the Ariel LaSalle Theater.
Critical Language Scholarship
A student of Russian, Andromeda Vorndran, received a prestigious Critical Language Scholarship (CLS).
Fulbright-Hays Grant
Elizabeth Miller was accepted to The University of Georgia Immersion in the Russian Language, Culture, and Communities in the Baltics (IRLCCB) Program that offers an intensive study abroad experience.
Andromeda Vorndran Presentation
On February 2, 2024, the students of the Russian program enjoyed the presentation of Andromeda Vorndran who spent last semester in the Republic of Georgia.
Russian Song Group
On December 5, 2023, the Russian Song Ensemble performed music and folk dances with guitar, balalaika and Russian percussion instruments in Haydn Hall.
Students Attend the “Russian Duo and Friends” Concert
Russian students enjoyed their outing to the Maltz Performing Arts Center on October 3, 2023 to attend a concert.